Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Up....up...and Away!

Spent the eve of the Mooncake festival trying to reach for the moon with close to 20 individuals in a tiny space capsule, at an all-time height of 165m.

One could either purchase the ticket for normal entry or express entry with the latter costing close to twice of the former. Soon, I would find out the difference between the two...

I proceeded to purchase the normal entry tickets for the 7pm boarding. According to a fellow 'flyer', this is the best time to board the Singapore Flyer as the sun would be setting across the horizon during the 30 minutes 'flight' time.

Armed with anticipation, I was quick to head the queue in an attempt to board at exactly 7pm. However, I was not prepared for what lies between me and the space capsule...

Barrier #1 - visual ticket check

Barrier #2 - one snake queue began to form quickly in the normal lane while the express lane was fast to clear. Bus-loadful of tourists were quickly ushered through the express lane where both human and material possessions were thoroughly scanned. I was on my "Ready, Get Set, Go" position as soon as the last trotter goes unbeeped through the scanners. Disappointingly, the whistle never went off! Staffs were seen whispering into their headsets and we were instead given the polite "Hold It Right There" gesture but complete with a smile. What about the promised 7pm boarding? What's happening to punctuality in Singapore? A few more minutes went by with zero action. Then, my heart dropped as more bus-loadful of tourists came and were ushered pass the scanners while the rest of us waited impatiently behind the line. By the 20th minute or so, the queue became restless and there were request to speak to the manager. Only then, were we given the go-ahead and it was already dusk.

Barrier #3 - tickets had to be scanned before pushing through the turnstil

Barrier #4 - I was dumbfounded to find another queue forming behind a wall labelled GR8. Flashes of light could be seen exploding behind the wall. I was horrified - did I pay for the Ferris Wheel ride or a disney theme ride? It was not long before I find myself standing behind a bar, told to smile before being completely blinded by the flash of bright light.

Barrier #5 - Third queue for the day and already, the sky's almost dark with only a tinge of orangely ray in the far distance.

Barrier #6 - Finally, I'm a few steps away to boarding the capsule! :)

For me, it was an "interesting" way to celebrate the traditional mooncake festival. And now, I could proudly proclaimed - "Been There, Done That"!

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