I can find almost anything within that tiny geographical area which I described above. So strictly speaking, why should I bother travelling to anywhere further in search of what is readily available within familiar territories?
But that is up till some smart aleck in BreadTalk came up with The Icing Room. And of all places, they have to have it in Jurong Point. Damn!
Wanting to explore the culinary creative side of me, I purchased a 4" cake just short of $12 and proceeded to let my creative juice flow out of me onto the cake. After about a minute or so, I realised that it can be a little difficult. There are crazy kids jostling and arguing around me with some trying to clamber onto the bloody unstable table top where my precious cake sits and at one point in time, a long-haired lady even tried to perform some acrobatic stunts by bending over my cake to talk to a cashier on the other side of the table and in the process, had a few strands of hair slightly skimming over the surface of my cake! Eeeks! I was darting annoyance glances in all directions annd could easily be the most hostile-faced customer in the midst.
So after what seem like ages, I finally completed decorating my cake with the limited selection of icings (strictly speaking, it's more like coloured whipped cream than icing sugar) allocated to me and hurriedly passed it to the cashier to have it boxed up before any misfortune befalls it.
And on my way back, while passing by Prima Deli, I saw the 'usual' selection of cakes on display. And it just occured to me that I'll never find such a selection of cakes in Austria. Perhaps something that looks alike but never one that tastes alike. Maybe it's not so usual afterall...